Home Gas Remedy for Dogs

Nearly every dog will experience some occasional problems with flatulence or canine gas; most often, this is not the sign of any problem, but it's still useful to keep in mind a good home gas remedy for your pet. In other cases, the gas problem may become chronic. This is oftentimes a sign of digestive problems and should be treated as any other chronic condition. You should take your pet to the veterinarian for further examination and be aware that there may be other symptoms that result from the problem as well. For infrequent gas problems in your dog, however, read on for a brief home gas remedy that is simple and effective.

Monitor the Food Ingredients

Some food ingredients are much more likely to cause gas problems for your dog than others. Namely, high levels of fiber and soy in the food that your dog eats can tend to cause gas amongst dogs as a general rule. Take a look at the ingredients in your dog's food, and take note if those ingredients are towards the top of the list. You may wish to consider, with the helpful recommendation of a veterinarian, switching your dog to another type of food to experiment. Additionally, your dog could have a mild allergic reaction to another ingredient in the food as well.

Avoid Table Scraps

While it's always tempting to give your dog pieces of the food that you eat, keep in mind that this food is oftentimes way too rich for your dog's system to properly process it. Humans require a great deal more fat and other types of ingredients in their food than dogs do, and a number of common human foods are dangerous to a dog's system in terms of gas. It's a good idea generally to avoid table scraps, as many different common human foods are actually quite poisonous to dogs as well.

Slow Your Dog Down

Many dogs eat very quickly. This can lead to indigestion of some kind or another, which oftentimes results in dog gas. The best way to remedy this type of problem is to distract your dog somehow while he's eating. Place an inedible object inside of your dog's food bowl, or consider feeding him portions of his meal at once, with forced time in between to digest. This will help to force your dog to eat more slowly, which may help his digestive system.

Use Yogurt

Pure, unflavored yogurt is a good source of nutrients for a dog, and many veterinarians recommend it as a supplement for a dog's diet anyway. Additionally, yogurt has enzymes that can help with the proper digestion of different types of food, meaning that your dog will be more likely to avoid problematic gas if you feed him plain yogurt regularly.

If the problem persists or appears to get worse as you try these various remedies, it's a good idea to take your pet in to the vet for an examination to be sure that there isn't a more serious problem.

