Home Remedies for Ticks on Cats

Ticks on cats can occur especially during tick season, and in regions where ticks are present. Ticks are parasites that feed on cat blood and can cause infections or Lyme disease. Ticks can be removed at home and there are also a few home remedies that can be used for ticks and to reduce the possible allergic reactions.

Remove the Tick at Home

The tick must be removed in a timely manner, as it can cause Lyme disease, which is a serious medical condition. Try removing the tick before you get to the vet, within four hours after the tick bite.

You'll be able to identify the tick on the cat's skin, as it is a brown coffee bean-shaped insect. The head of the tick will be buried in the cat's skin, but the body will typically be detached. Grab a pair of tweezers and pull gently, making sure to extract the insect. Don't forget to wear gloves and avoid touching the tick. After pulling out the insect, make sure the head is removed from the cat. If the insect is not intact, let the vet know and he will remove the remaining parts. To disinfect the bite you can use rubbing alcohol or tea tree oil.

Other Remedies to Remove Ticks

Some people prefer to remove the tick using petroleum jelly, by rubbing the gel on the affected surface. This technique can work, but it may also be risky, as the tick can break and you may end up rubbing the bacteria into the cat's skin, which will speed up the bacteria entering the cat's blood flow. Minced garlic may also be used, as ticks will react negatively to this ingredient and may remove their head from the cat's skin.

Prevent Tick Bites

There are a few home remedies that can be used to prevent ticks from biting your pet. Use vinegar on your pet's skin. Apparently, ticks don't like the smell and will be less likely to bite the cat. This remedy can be used if you go on occasional outings with your cat, but it may not be suitable if you live in an area with ticks, as you need to use vinegar daily and this will dry your pet's skin.

Eliminate Allergic Reactions to Ticks

Even if the cat doesn't get infected, he may experience an allergic reaction to the tick's saliva. To remove this allergic reaction you will need licorice root extract. Add 5 to 10 drops in 200 ml water and rub the solution on the affected areas. Licorice root has similar properties as corticosteroids and will reduce irritation and swelling. Some drops of licorice root may also be added to the dog's food until the allergic reaction is gone.

