Homemade Dog Flea Spray

Homemade dog flea spray can be made from a number of natural flea and tick repellents. These natural repellents can be purchased from just about any health food store, as well as stores such as the Body Shop and Ulta. When shopping for essential oils, please make sure the oils are 100 percent pure. If the oil has been processed by adding chemicals, it can be harmful to your pet or offer very little therapeutic benefits. So look for 100 percent pure on the label and avoid oils that use the following words: Perfume Oil, Fragrance Oil, Nature Identical Oil and Aromatherapy Oil.

Before Treating Your Pet with Homemade Dog Flea Spray

There are a number of herbs and oils that help repel fleas. These ingredients do not kill fleas, so before coating your pets fur with any given herbal concoction, you should first check your pets fur for existing fleas and do your best to remove them. To check for fleas:

  1. Position your pet in the middle of a large white towel or large piece of paper.
  2. Comb or brush your pet's fur just above the tail. Look for black flecks on the paper or towel.
  3. Add a little water to the flecks and see if they turn red. If so, your dog has been bitten by fleas.

Fleas excrete blood (flea dirt) after feeding on your dog. Fleas do not live on your dog. They hop on and off when they’re hungry. It is possible that a flea might be feeding during your inspection. You should wash your dog with a flea shampoo and conditioner such as Natural Pet Herbal Defense to make sure all of the fleas are gone before applying homemade dog flea spray. Once your pet is clean and dry, it’s time to mix and apply the spray.

Best Ingredients and Essential Oils for Homemade Dog Flea Spray

Fleas (and ticks) will avoid oils and herbs such as American Pennyroyal (tickweed), fennel, rue, wormwood, rose, geranium oil, yellow dock, almond oil, lemongrass, fennel, eucalyptus, peppermint, sage, lavender, lemon and amber. Vinegar and garlic can also be used to repel fleas. Again, these oils, herbs, and other ingredients do not kill fleas, they simply aggravate the fleas senses enough to keep them away. To make homemade dog flea spray:

  1. Combine any number of herbs and an oils together in a shaker bottle or jar.
  2. Shake or stir the ingredients together and transfer to a spray bottle. This will make it easier to evenly distribute the mixture.
  3. For pleasant smelling mixtures, apply 1-2 coats evenly across the dogs fur.
  4. Part the dogs coat in sections and lightly spray in between fur throughout the dog’s body.

For mixtures that include vinegar and garlic, one coat may suffice. The smell from these ingredients can be very strong, so very little is needed to be effective.

