Characteristics of Kidney Disease Compliant Dog Food

Kidney disease compliant dog food may not cure your dog of renal disease, but it can certainly make the rest of your pet's life more comfortable. Make sure to create a dog diet that is palatable for your dog, while providing as many nutrients as possible in order to make your dog's life as long as possible.

Normal Dog Food

Normal dog food is fine for dogs with perfect kidney function, but for dogs suffering from renal disease, your average dog food can have poisonous effects. With impaired kidney usage, protein is not easily broken down, and consequently builds up in the kidneys.

Carbohydrates and fats are burned well in your dog's body, converting to carbon dioxide and water. These wastes are expelled from the body during urination and breathing. However, when proteins are burned, they leave behind urea, a waste product. Healthy kidneys filter blood and remove urea, but for dogs with kidney failure, urea remains in the blood.

Lower Protein Percentage

Dogs with kidney disease should be eating dog food with a lower protein percentage than normal food. This cuts down on the amount of urea produced, but allows your dog the amino acids needed to build and repair tissue cells.

Higher Bio-Availability

By increasing the bio-availability of the ingredients in your dog's food, you ensure that your dog is getting the most nutrients it can, without creating unnecessary waste that his or her kidneys cannot filter out. This also prevents increased waste products from entering the bloodstream.

Increased Vitamin D3

In healthy dog kidneys, vitamin D2 becomes vitamin D3. As dogs with kidney disease are not able to create vitamin D3, it becomes necessary to introduce the vitamin directly.

Lowered Phosphorus

Lowering the amount of phosphorus in your dog's food ensures the balance of potassium and phosphorus, which reach disequilibrium as a result of kidney damage.

Increased Calcium

In normal kidneys, vitamin D encourages absorption of dog food's calcium during digestion. For dogs with impaired kidney usage, the lower amounts of vitamin D prevent the maximum amount of calcium absorption, which can lead to bone damage. Increasing the amount of calcium directly gives your dog a better chance of absorption.

Importance of Hydration

Hydration is integral to survival for a dog with kidney disease. Try combining moist and dry foods in order to promote better hydration.

Low Appetite and Kidney Disease Dog Food

Kidney disease compliant dog food is rich in nutrition, but lacking in taste, as removing protein removes flavor as well. Although your dog will likely experience a decrease in appetite due to kidney disease, it's important to encourage them to eat.

Dog Treats

Never give your kidney-damaged dog a regular dog treat, as they are made primarily from protein. Though it will encourage your dog to eat, it will also make him or her sicker.

