Mineral Supplements for Dogs

Mineral supplements for dogs are just as important as they are for humans. The deficient absorption of certain minerals can lead to deficiencies in how other minerals are processed in the body and may also cause health problems. However, some minerals can be damaging to the dog's health if given in excess, leading to kidney or bladder stones.


Minerals are divided in 2 categories, depending on the amount in which they are needed in a dog's diet.

Macrominerals are required in larger quantities in the dog’s body:

  • Calcium regulates the metabolic system, bone growth, muscle contraction and the coagulation of blood. However, an excess of calcium can be very damaging to puppies or large breed dogs, leading to bone abnormalities.
  • Phosphorus is important in the dog’s diet, but when in excess can cause kidney failure.
  • Magnesium helps in the production of protein as well as absorption of vitamins, enzymes and other minerals. The lack of magnesium can cause tremors and irritability. High quantities of calcium and phosphorus affect the magnesium absorption negatively. Food cooked at very high temperatures can loose their magnesium content.
  • Potassium maintains the fluid balance of the body and contributes to the proper functioning of nerves, muscles and enzymes.  It can be found in many foods, so supplements are usually not needed if the dog has a healthy diet.
  • Sodium is important for the fluid balance and helps the absorption of the nutrients. If the dog does not get enough water, the concentration of sodium and chlorine in his body can become toxic leading to dehydration, seizures, blindness, and even death.
  • Chlorine balances the acidity of the cells in the body.


Microminerals exist in small amounts in the body, but they are just as important for the pet:

  • Copper aids in the formation of bone and connective tissue, contributes to the red blood cell development and pigmentation.
  • Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland
  • Iron is important for the health of the red blood cells, so when iron is lacking, organs do not get enough oxygen and an entire range of diseases can develop. One of the first signs is anemia.
  • Mangnanese is mainly found in the liver and is responsible for protein and carbohydrates use, energy  and fatty acid production
  • Selenium is an antioxidant which helps reducing toxins in the body.
  • Zinc is important for skin health. An excess of zinc in the dog's diet can interfere with the calcium absorption.

Mineral Supplements Your Dog Needs

When choosing a brand of dog food or a raw recipe, check with your veterinarian if it will provide all the minerals in the needed amounts.

However, if your dog is in good health, he does not need mineral supplements.

Supplementing one mineral can affect the balance of the other minerals and lead to disease.

If you are considering supplementing the minerals in the dog’s diet, talk to your veterinarian first.

