Feeding Tips for Preventing Kitten Constipation

Constipation is a condition that is frequent in cats of all ages; however kitten constipation is a health risk for your pet and can be fatal. Preventing cat constipation can be done by establishing a proper diet for your pet.

Wet Food to Prevent Cat Constipation

Feeding your kitten wet food can prevent constipation.

Kittens need more wet food than adult cats. When they are born kitten start feeding with cat milk and after that wet food is recommended. Dry food can be gradually introduced in your kitten's diet, but make sure to alternate the wet food with the dry food. A diet based on dry foods only can cause constipation and later in your cat's life-kidney disease.

Dry fruits cause constipation, so avoid these while the cat is young. Instead, provide vitamins through supplements.

Keep Your Kitten Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to kitten constipation. Keep a bowl of fresh water for your pet, so that he can stay hydrated. Change the water several times a day: if it is not fresh or clean, your kitten will not drink it.

To establish if your cat is dehydrated, just pinch his skin, let go and see if the skin flattens. If the skin flattens in less than 3 seconds, your cat is sufficiently hydrated.

Fiber to Soften Stool

Dietary fiber help the digestive process, driving the food through the digestive system and softening the stool. Fiber help also when your kitten has diarrhea.

Your vet can determine the exact amount of fibers that your cat needs. Fibers are present in whole grain foods but can be also provided as fiber supplements.

Natural Laxatives

If you consider that your kitten's feces are not soft enough, you can use some natural laxatives. Canned pumpkin can soften your kitten's stool. Add a spoon of canned pumpkin to your kitten's food. Your kitten might sense the pumpkin smell and may avoid the food altogether. In this case, forget the pumpkin.

A combination of wet food, fresh water and fibers can keep your kitten healthy and prevent constipation. However, keep an eye on your kitten's litter tray. Empty it a few times per day and notice if the fecal matter tends to lessen. This is a clear sign of constipation and you need to seek medical attention. Continued constipation can be dangerous to your kitten's life, so make sure to get help if a day passes and the cat's condition doesn't change.

Your kitten's constipation may be caused by health issues or stress and your vet will be able to determine the right treatment.

