Is Putting a Dog to Sleep Necessary?

Dog owners have one time or another asked themselves if putting a dog to sleep is necessary. When answering this question, a dog owner should consider one reason and that is if the dog is sick. A sick dog wants to feel alive again. The longer the dog is kept alive, the weaker he becomes. The thought of putting a pet to sleep is very emotional no matter what the reason.

Why Put A Dog to Sleep?

Pet owners should put a dog to sleep for one reason, such as sickness. A sick dog may not be able to get any better, so there may not be anything that anyone can do. The family may love the dog, but the dog is suffering day by day the longer he or she is kept alive.

Handling Indecisive Family Members

Family members are not going to agree with one another when a loved pet is in the process of being put to sleep. Communication is very important when dealing with any kind of loss. Talk through the entire process to come up with a solution. Also, go against the family and do what's best for the pet, if no solution is found.

Arrangements Before

Family members of the dog should decide beforehand where they would like their dog to buried and how. A dog can be buried in the family's backyard or even cremated. Discuss with family members where and how the dog should be buried.

Process of Putting a Dog to Sleep

Dog owners are already emotional about the idea of their loving dog being put to sleep. They don't want to know what the process entails. In order to make the process of losing a dog easier, it can be beneficial to know all about the process and to be with the dog to soothe them. The process of putting a dog to sleep involves placing a syringe with a needle that is attached to the dog's leg, which will be placed in the dog's vein. Some blood will be drawn from the syringe just to make sure that the needle is in the vein. By the time the syringe is empty, the dog will be gone.

Healing after Loss

Take out old pictures of the dog and talk with the family about how the dog was loved. Talk about old memories of when the dog was first brought home. Talking about a pet will allow the family to feel better. Don't be afraid to show emotion. Crying as much as possible will also allow the loss of a pet to heal faster. Talk to children about the deceased pet, so they will be able to understand. Ask them how they feel.

Moving On

Losing a pet is hard for anyone because this pet was part of the family. In order to move on, a family can buy a new dog. The second dog won't be like the first, but he can become a pet that the family can get to love. Go shopping with the children and choose a dog that the whole family wants to bring home. In time, the new dog will be loved by the whole family.

