Vibramycin for Cats

Vibramycin is an effective medicine that is oftentimes used to help treat bacterial infections in pets. It is used in cats to address infections of the bladder and urinary tract, as well as infections resulting from wounds or open sores, respiratory tract infections, and some infections caused by ticks. This medicine is available only with a special veterinary prescription, so if your cat is suffering from one or more of these conditions, take him in to the vet immediately to see if Vibramycin my be an effective and appropriate treatment option.

Vibramycin Overview

Vibramycin is a brand name formulation of a drug containing doxycycline. Doxycycline is classified as a tetracycline antibiotic. This type of antibiotic is useful in cases where bacteria that cause an infection are not particularly susceptible to more standard types of antibiotics. Therefore, if your pet has already tried a standard antibiotic and that has proven ineffective at reducing his infection, Vibramycin may be a good next step.

Vibramycin works by preventing bacteria that cause infection in various parts of your cat's body from being able to produce the protein that is necessary to create and support their cell walls. Without this protein, the bacteria cells die and are unable to reproduce, thereby eliminating the infection.

Using Vibramycin for Your Cat

Although it is oftentimes prescribed by veterinarians as an extra label drug to be used for cats and other pets, Vibramycin has not been approved for use in animals by the FDA. Rather, this medicine is specifically designed for use in humans only. Therefore, you'll need to take particular care when giving your cat a treatment involving Vibramycin.

Vibramycin is typically provided in three forms: as a tablet, as an oral suspension, or as an injectable medicine. Most people find that their cats will do best with either the tablet or the oral suspension, although you may have to find a way to sneak the dosage into your cat's food in order to get him to eat the medicine. The exact dosage and administration schedule for Vibramycin will depend upon the age of your cat as well as his weight and overall size, plus the type and severity of the infection that you're treating.

Vibramycin Side Effects and Risks

Although it's overall quite safe for cats, Vibramycin is not without certain risks. It's crucial that you inform your vet of all other health issues and medicines that your cat is facing, as Vibramycin may react negatively with certain medicines and conditions.

The most commonly seen side effects of Vibramycin typically include the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Discoloration of teeth

As with other antibiotics, it's important that you keep providing your cat with the full dosage of Vibramycin through the scheduled regimen. This helps to ensure that the bacterial infection will be completely wiped out and that the medicine will continue to be effective for future use as well. Ask your vet about any side effects that you notice in your cat.

