Why Is Your Kitten Sneezing?

Kitten sneezing may be caused by different infections, foreign objects or environmental factors. Kittens with flat noses are more likely to sneeze, due to the tight nose passages.

Cold Temperatures

Kittens are not able to keep their body temperature elevated as adults cats do, so kittens should be kept in a warm environment.

If the kitten is cold, he is likely to sneeze.

Give your pet some blankets and put the kitten in a warmer room.


Dust, pollen, mold, smoke and chemicals can all cause allergic reactions in kittens. Even if allergies are rare in cats under the age of 2 years, kittens may react negatively to these allergens and show a few symptoms starting from light sneezing to a wet nose, watery eyes and skin reactions.

The kitten may be allergic to the brand of his litter.

Make sure you detect the allergen and keep the kitten away from it.

Upper Respiratory Infections

Kittens may be susceptible to contracting an upper respiratory infection (URI). These infections are highly contagious and may be caught from other cats that are infected.

The infections are caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. The most frequent viral infections in kittens include Parainfluenza and the Adenovirus; common bacteria that infect kittens are the Bortadella or the Adeno 2.

The respiratory infections will also display symptoms such as a fever, a wet nose, coughing, watery eyes and lethargy. Often, the kitten has swollen eyes and glands, produce mucus in excess and has difficulty in breathing.

Foreign Objects

Kittens can swallow different small objects that get stuck in their respiratory tract, causing sneezing.

Take a look at your kitten’s mouth and check the throat using a flashlight. If you see the foreign object, try removing it. Use tweezers and, if you are unable to remove the object, go to the vet.

Teeth Infections

Teeth infections or tumors can also cause sneezing. However, kittens are less likely to be affected by these at such an early age. However, you can check for tooth decay or an abscess. A kitten with teeth problems will have bad breath, swollen gums or puss in the gum area. Start the daily brushing as early as possible to prevent dental problems.

If you are concerned about your kitten’s sneezing, you need to consult the vet. The vet may assess your pet’s situation and run some tests, possibly x-rays to determine the cause of sneezing.

Kitten sneezing is not necessarily a serious condition; sneezing can be treated with antibiotics if caused by an infection and, in other cases, it can go away on its own once the kitten heals.

If the cat has swallowed a foreign object, this needs to be removed to prevent choking. Monitor other symptoms that may accompany sneezing and consult the vet.

If you notice blood when the kitten is sneezing, you need to visit the vet immediately. The sinuses of the kitten may need to be flushed when the infection is severe or if there is the cat is sneezing blood.

