The Classic Dog Arthritis Remedy: Heat Treatments

The Classic Dog Arthritis Remedy: Heat Treatments

Along with massage and joint lubrication, an effective dog arthritis remedy is heat treatment. Today, this old-school remedy provides modern well-being for your pet.

Select Heat Sources

Be sure and gather supplies to administer the treatment.

Investigate several mechanisms to find the ones that suit your dog best. Here are some ideas:

* Select a hot water bottle which is a therapeutic aid. Consider the newer hot water bottles on the market that come with fleece covers; they make for a softer touch on your dog's body. * Choose different sized towels to administer the dog arthritis remedy: wet them and adequately wrap around your dog's legs, arms, or lay across his back. You should administer the heat for 20 minutes at a time, two or three times a day. * Find heated pet beds and pads: heated sleeping items are made specifically for dogs with conditions like arthritis. The heat works to relax muscles and promote increased mobility and activity; or simply help your dog sleep comfortably. * Consider an orthopedic bed with a heat element: helps distribute your dog's body weight and eliminate pressure points along with soothing his joints and muscles. * Shop for dog clothing: keep your dog warm on cold days or on damp mornings. A dog hoodie in a breathable material like a poly-fleece blend offers insulation and keeps the chill out. * Follow a dog arthritis remedy by applying a microwavable heat pack to your pet's problem area. * Only use pet-specific heating products on your dog.

