Dog Toilet Training

Successful dog toilet training is a very important aspect of integrating your dog into your house. There are several skills to make housetraining work, including developing a feeding schedule and establishing a consistent designated toilet area. A positive approach to dog toilet training also helps create success in housetraining.

Defining Your Housebreaking Terms

Creating a specific definition of what a toilet trained dog means is an important part of dog toilet training. First of all, you'll be able to set measurable goals, and you'll know when you've succeeded. You'll also be able to guide your dog with more clarity and direction.

It's helpful to create a designated toilet area for your dog's elimination. Most people want their dog to eliminate in the yard or in a specific patch of grass or dirt near their house or apartment. From the beginning, help your dog learn that there is one place appropriate for elimination. You can use a housetraining pad near the door to transition your dog toward outdoor elimination. Be consistent and always think of ways to set your dog up for success. Then you might very well be able to train your dog to use an outdoor spot without the need for an indoor pad.

How a Feeding Schedule Helps with Housetraining Success

There are several ways to use a feeding schedule to encourage proper elimination. Most dogs need to urinate and defecate soon after they wake up in the morning and also 20 to 30 minutes after eating. If you are consistent with sleeping and eating schedule, you'll work with your dog's natural rhythms and success will be more likely.

It's important to feed your dog close to the same time every day. If you observe him closely for 20 to 30 minutes after feeding, you can be there to interrupt potential accidents and use them as teaching moments for toilet training. But the best option is to get your dog outside just before he really needs to go. Working with a consistent feeding time will help you predict this.

Using Rewards

A positive approach dog toilet training has been shown to yield better results than an approach involving punishment. Dogs will quickly learn how to earn their favorite rewards, be it treats, a toy or playtime. Set aside a special reward for use only in toilet training. Then when you catch your dog eliminating in the proper place, you can reward him immediately.

If you are keeping a close eye on him when he's out of his crate, you can interrupt the improper elimination right when it's happening. Then next time, you'll know that you need to take him outside slightly sooner so that the improper elimination doesn't happen in the first place. The best way to stop a dog if he's going in the house is to make a loud sound and say "no". Punishing a dog after he has gone in the house merely teaches him to fear you and to avoid eliminating in front of you. He won't understand that it's about the location specifically.

