Pet Therapy: Healing though Companionship

Owning a pet can have many benefits; pet therapy is an alternative type of therapy and is one of the advantages of having a dog or a cat. The presence of a pet can cure depression, stress and may also help the owner lose weight or lower the cholesterol levels or the blood pressure. There have been many tests performed on hospital patients that have been helped by therapy dogs or therapy cats.

Depression Cure

A pet can cure depression; a dog or a cat can improve the owner’s mood by offering a lot of joy and unconditional love. Even a stubborn cat will be affectionate from time to time.

The presence of a pet may result in the production of endorphins and will reduce depression.

Pets are recommended for lonely people, but also to people who are depressed due to an incurable disease.

Low Blood Pressure

Pets are believed to have a great effect on the blood pressure, lowering it. The companionship of a pet and stroking or patting a pet have a calming effect and will result in a lowered blood pressure.

However, the pet must be trained, as a dog with behavioral issues may not have a soothing effect and may be a source of stress. Trained therapy cats or dogs are ideal for people with a high blood pressure.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Pet owners are less exposed to heart disease, as a pet may have a beneficial effect on the cholesterol levels, decreasing these. In addition, a dog requires walking, so the daily walks will improve the overall health of the owner and diminish the risk of heart disease.

Reduced Stress Levels

Dogs and cats can reduce stress; the presence of a pet can be a stress reliever. The regular walks can also act as a de-stressor. The patting and grooming of the dog may also reduce stress.

Reducing Obesity

Dogs require daily walks, so a dog owner will be less exposed to obesity. In addition, the activities will also make the owner more active.

Stronger Immunity

The fact that pets reduce stress and depression will also result in a stronger immunity, as stress or depression can destroy the immune system.

Longer Life

Pet owners may live a longer life due to several factors:

  • The stronger immunity, which will prevent several diseases
  • The daily activities that reduce risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases
  • The pet owner will feel the necessity to be around and care for the pet; terminally ill patients have been showing great improvement when they were given therapy cats or dogs

The cat or the dog should be suitable for the owner’s lifestyle, so that the owner can enjoy the many benefits of a pet. Ill people that get pet therapy will receive trained cats and dogs. There are a few dog and cat breeds that are more suitable for therapeutic purposes.

