Raw vs. Organic Dog Food: Which is Better?

Even though raw food is not foreign to your dog's predatory instincts from a historical standpoint, information about nutrition for animals has evolved throughout the ages. Still, the raw organic dog food debate is a hot one.

Why Raw is Popular

After the recalls on some pet foods, owners began feeding raw foods to their dogs to retain the bioavailable nutrients and enzymes that mass-processing eliminates.

The Down Side

A raw food diet is very exacting. The serving sizes of raw diets are strictly calculated in relation to your dog's weight.

A raw food diet discourages the feeding of grains; and requires extra digestive enzymes to help dogs process the raw foods.

Some raw food diets include only raw vegetables. Dogs need animal protein and animal-source vitamins for a balanced diet.

Stick with Organic Ingredients

You can design a well-balanced diet with some raw organic dog food. Grains, cooked meats, a raw egg, and vegetables are healthful options. Antibiotic and hormone-free chicken, lamb, or beef along with lightly-cooked carrots or beans, and a scoop of organic plain yogurt, is an example of a tasty organic dinner for your dog.

Read more about nutrient requirements for your dog at http://www.vetinfo.com/healthydogfood.html

