What to Look for in a Dog Food Analysis

A proper dog food analysis is important because you want your pet to receive the best nutrition possible, as well as remain fit and healthy. Choosing the right dog food for your dog will play an important part in keeping him happy and well. Feeding your dog the highest quality dog food will promote good health and a long life in your pet, so it is beneficial to know what quality dog foods to look for. Below is useful information on analyzing dog food quality and what to look for when feeding your pet.

Nutritional Needs

When choosing the perfect dog food for your pet, certain factors such as age, weight, and health will determine what nutrients the dog should receive. Underweight dogs will need a food that is higher in calories and fat, and an overweight dog will require a diet lower in fat. Extremely active dogs will need a diet that is more nutrition-dense than a dog that is inactive. Puppies will also have different nutritional needs than adult or senior dogs, as well.

Types of Dog Foods

There are hundreds of dog foods available on the market, and it can be very hard to know which one is best for your pet. In general, brands available at the grocery store are the cheapest types of food to purchase, and often, the lowest quality. They contain ingredients that are not digested easily in dogs, and are usually full of chemicals and additives that may compromise your dog's overall health. Often times, poisonous substances, such as plastic, find a way into low quality food. This is due to the fact that quality control is not of concern when these foods are manufactured. Premium dog foods are better than grocery store brands, but still contain chemicals and additives.

Premium dog foods are made with high quality ingredients and nutrients, but also still contain components that can be harmful to your pet's health. These foods are more expensive than grocery store brands, but they contain more nutrients and better ingredients. Premium dog food can be found in most pet stores and veterinary facilities.

Healthiest Dog Foods Are High Quality

The best food you can feed your pet is a healthy dog food that is recommended by veterinarians and contains ingredients and nutrients that are the most beneficial to your dog. Healthy dog foods are available in most pet food markets, and are the most costly of any type of dog food. Healthy dog foods contain ingredients such as vegetables, grains, fruit, barley, brown rice and carbohydrates, and most do not contain any additives or preservatives. They also contain vitamins and minerals that will benefit your dog's skin and coat. Ideally, your dog should be fed a high quality, healthy dog food, although they are much more expensive than other types of dog food.

When choosing a dog food for your pet, you should always check the ingredients listed on the label. The first ingredients should be eggs, meat or fish, because this will mean the food contains the proper amount of protein and will be digested easily.

