Natural Flea Control for Dogs

Dog owners worried about the adverse health effects of using chemicals and poisonous flea killing products have increasingly turned to natural flea control for dogs. Warning labels such as, "Keep out of reach of children" or "Wash hands thoroughly after use" do suggest that they might not be safe for a dog either.

Flea Facts

  • A female flea can lay up to 60 eggs per day

  • Fleas go through four life stages: egg, larvae, pupae and adult

  • Fleas live for approximately 90 days, but the eggs can lie dormant for one year

  • All flea life stages are present at the same time in the dog's environment

  • All flea life stages must be treated at the same time

  • Fleas, like cockroaches, can develop an immunity to pesticides

Natural Flea Control for Dogs' Indoor Environment

For every flea you see on your dog, there will be at least fifty times that many in his environment, both inside and out. Inside, vacuum as often as you can. Vacuum floors, rugs, upholstered furniture and mattresses. Put a moth ball in the vacuum bag or collection cup to kill any fleas sucked up and dispose of the bag and contents after each vacuuming.

After vacuuming, sprinkle garden-grade diatomaceous earth on the carpeting, under furniture and mattresses, and in the dog's bedding. Make sure you buy garden-grade diatomaceous earth and not swimming pool grade.

Put everything possible through a hot wash including the dog's bedding, throw rugs and bed linens.

You will need to repeat these steps every four to five days until the fleas are gone.

Natural Flea Control for Dogs' Outdoor Environment

There are two widely used and effective measures to use outdoors. One is diatomaceous earth sprinkled liberally in the yard. However, it can also kill beneficial insects in your garden. In that case, you should consider beneficial nematodes, a microscopic worm that has proven most effective in eating fleas in all their life stages.

Natural Flea Control for Dogs

  • Brush him frequently and use a flea comb to remove fleas and their eggs from his skin and coat. Swish the flea comb in soapy water to kill the fleas.

  • Bathe him with a mild shampoo. You don't need special medicated shampoos since the soap is what kills fleas.

  • You can safely dust him with diatomaceous earth instead of flea powder.

  • A few drops of lavender essential oil at the base of the tail and on the neck repel fleas and ticks.

  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the water dish makes their skin acidic and less appetizing to fleas.

  • Brewer's yeast added to the dog's food is excreted through the skin and is distasteful to fleas.

  • You can make a natural flea control collar by mixing ½ teaspoon of an essential oil such as cedar, lemon, rosemary, lavender or peppermint with ½ cup of rubbing alcohol in a jar, mixing it well and soaking a cloth collar, a bandanna or a piece of rope in the mixture for 15 minutes. Allow to air dry and fasten around the dog's neck. Check frequently to be sure that the flea collar is not irritating the dog's skin. You will have to refresh the collar every five to seven days.

With careful thought, you can rid your dog and your home of fleas safely without the health hazards of chemicals and poisons.

