Remote Training Collars for Dogs

Training collars for dogs are specifically designed to aid in your ability to train your pet. These collars vary in terms of overall function, but they are generally made to be able to show your pet when he has done something bad. They will provide him with a mild shock to his system in some way, which will serve as a signal to him that he is engaging in problem behavior. Over time, your pet will come to associate those behaviors with the response that the collar brings about, and he'll usually avoid the behaviors in general. Remote training collars are on the high tech end of these specialized types of collars.

Remote Training Collar Overview

Remote training collars are designed with an electronic component. They can be attached around your pet's neck as any normal collar would. However, unlike other types of training collars like choke collars or pinch collars, remote training collars are typically not attached to a leash of any kind. The remote training collar contains an electronic mechanism that, when activated, triggers a mild electrical impulse. This impulse will give your pet a brief jolt of electricity, which is typically enough to sufficiently startle him and to stop him from doing whatever it is that he's doing wrong.

In order to activate the minor shock mechanism on the remote training collar, you'll have a separate remote that you can use to activate the electronic system on the collar itself.

Benefits of Remote Training Collars for Dogs

There are a number of benefits to using a remote training collar over a standard type of training collar for your pet. Remote training collars are humane and will not hurt your pet. They provide a mild shock that is intended to startle your dog without causing him any pain whatsoever. Remote training collars have a unique benefit over other types of training mechanisms in that they can be activated from a greater distance. Because time is a factor when disciplining your dog, and an admonishment that is delivered even a second or more after your pet completes his misbehavior often doesn't register as being associated with that deed in your pet's mind, this ensures that you'll be able to properly chastise your pet from any distance and at any time.

Risks of Remote Training Collars for Dogs

As with other training collars for dogs, some people find it unpleasant that a remote training collar provides some discomfort to your pet. If you prefer to avoid this method of training, you may consider a more positive, rewards-based approach. Remote training collars require battery power and can become unusable or inactive when the battery power is exhausted. Finally, remote training collars tend to be quite a bit more expensive than standard training collars are, so they're not the cheapest option for training tools that you'll have available when you begin your regimen.

