Toxic Food for Dogs

Food for dogs may be purchased from a pet store or may be prepared at home. Dogs shouldn’t be fed table scraps, as some of these may be toxic. You also must keep in mind to keep away the dog from a few poisonous foods that humans eat, but dogs cannot tolerate.


Chocolate and cocoa contain theobromine, which is highly toxic for canines. Theobromine is a substance that can cause liver failure and cannot be properly digested. White chocolate is not dangerous, as it only contains traces of theobromine.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol which can be lethal for canines. Ethanol may also be present in yeast, so in case you are baking cakes or bread, keep your dog away while you are preparing the dough.


Caffeine is a strong nervous system excitant that will cause vomiting and cause nervous system damage. Watch out for tea or other foods that may contain caffeine.


Iron can be toxic for dogs, as it causes damage to the stomach and intestinal lining and may attack other internal organs also. Avoid any supplements that contain iron.


Liver may be fed to dogs, but in low amounts; liver contains vitamin A and an excess of this vitamin may lead to bone and muscle damage.

Baby Food

Baby food often contains onion powder, which is toxic for dogs.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic contain N-propyl disulphide and sulfoxides, which will cause the Heinz anemia in dogs.

Onions and garlic may be toxic even in low amounts, so make sure that the meat you are giving your dog is not spiced with onion or garlic powder.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage. The toxic ingredient hasn’t been detected yet.

Macadamia Nuts

Just as raisins, the macadamia nuts contain an unidentified toxin that will potentially lead to kidney damage.

Potato Family of Plants

Potatoes, rhubarb, tomato leaves or stems, eggplants, petunias and paprika contain oxalates, which are not digestible and can cause vomiting, seizures and even death.

Raw Fish

Raw fish eaten in large amounts can lead to a vitamin B12 deficit, which may cause lack of appetite and seizures.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is frequently found in chewing gum. A few tablets of xylitol chewing gum may poison your dog.

Spoiled Food

Your dog shouldn’t eat spoiled or moldy food. This may cause digestive problems and even kidney damage. Keep your dog away from inspecting your garbage.

These ingredients or foods are toxic to canines. Dogs may also have food intolerances to dairy products and other foods, but those only cause vomiting and diarrhea and are not fatal.

Common signs of poisoning include vomiting, elevated fever, stomach cramps, diarrhea, skin rashes, seizures or coma. If the ingested food is highly poisonous, the pet may die if not taken to the vet in timely manner. The vet will give an antidote or remove the toxic food from the dog’s stomach.

If someone is dog sitting, make sure to inform them about these foods for your dog’s safety.

