The Benefits of Grass Food for Your Cat

Grass food for cats has proven to have a lot of nutritional and health benefits. Even though cats are carnivores, they often enjoy chewing on grass. To make sure the grass is chemical free and not poisonous for your pet, you can grow grass yourself or purchase it from pet health stores. It's recommended to feed grass to cats due to its benefits.

Stimulate Digestion and Blood Flow

Stimulating digestion is among the many health benefits of grass. Cats with a protein rich diet may have difficulties in digestion. Grass contains fibers and amino acids, which facilitate digestion and prevent diarrhea and constipation.

In addition to fibers, grass contains chlorophyll molecules, which are similar to hemoglobin molecules and stimulate blood flow and digestion.


Grass, especially wheat grass, is known to be a sturdy detoxifier. If grass is eaten and digested, it can flush the toxins that may be accumulated in the cat's body.


Cats consume grass when they want to induce vomiting. If the grass is not properly chewed, its special texture will irritate the stomach's lining and the cat will vomit.

Vomiting may be helpful if the cat has eaten something poisonous, or if they want to cough up a hairball.

Hairballs build up in the cat's stomach due to regular grooming; the cat licks his coat to clean himself and he ingests loose hairs, which end up in his stomach. Hairballs should be eliminated naturally, but grass can facilitate the elimination.

Source of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is among the most important lipid soluble anti-oxidants, and is beneficial to the cells in the body. Wheat grass for cats contains a great amount of vitamin E. Anti-oxidants reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and increase immunity.

Source of B vitamins

Grass foods for felines contain a lot of vitamins from the B group. Niacin or B3, and vitamin B12 (present mainly in wheat grass for cats) have a lot of health benefits:

  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Maintains skin and coat health
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Prevents anemia
  • Reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer
  • Stimulates nervous system function
  • Cautions

Cats eating grass may be in danger of consuming other green plants that may be toxic to their system. Some of the most poisonous plants for cats include:

  • Aloe vera
  • Mistletoe
  • Ivy plants
  • Plants in the potato family
  • Daffodils
  • Figs
  • Rhododendron
  • Onion plants

In addition, grass that is treated with fertilizers and pesticides may create an allergic reaction in your cat or even poison him.

Get rid of potential poisonous plants that you might have in your home and restrict your cat's access to the garden.

To be safe, feed you cat grass and you will ensure that he won't be tempted to eat from outside.

You may even grow wheat grass for cats in your home. Get a grass growing kit or some grass seeds and a planter.

