Non-Allergic Cats

Humans may develop allergies to cats. This is a reaction of the immune system. Typically, people with a weakened immune system or elderly people will develop allergies more often. The percentage of cat owners that are allergic to their own cat is as high as 10%. This is why some pet lovers consider getting non-allergenic cats. However, even if the media has announced the invention of such cats, the fact that they don’t cause allergies is arguable.

Causes of Cat Allergies

You may think that the allergies are caused by the excess of cat hair, but the real cause of human allergies to cats is dander. Dander has a certain protein component that will cause sneezing, itching, skin rashes, swelling, coughing or breathing difficulties in more sensitive people. People can also be allergic to the dust and dirt that gathers in the cat’s fur.

Hairless Cats

Some people falsely believe that getting a hairless cat will put an end to their cat allergies. In fact, hairless cats produce and shed dander too, in some cases even more, due to the lack of hair. Getting a hairless cat for people with cat allergies will have the same effects as cats with hair.

Hypoallergenic Cats

There are a few breeds of cats that may shed less dander, so if you are diagnosed with cat allergies, you might consider getting a less allergenic pet. The Siberian and Russian Blue, the Sphynx and LaPerm breeds are considered hypoallergenic cats.

Some companies claim to have invented non-allergenic cats, but there is no proof that these pets don't cause allergies in humans.

Reduce Your Allergic Reactions

While scientists are working on a formula for non-allergic cats, you can follow some steps to keep your cat allergies under control.

To reduce the amount of dander in your home, you can get rid of carpets and make sure you vacuum thoroughly at least a few times per week. Cat dander is shed frequently, and will land on your clothes, pillows, carpets, furniture and other places. Dander is airborne and when it's inhaled, it can cause allergies.

If you bathe your cat frequently, you will also reduce the amount of dander he sheds, and eliminate the dust and dirt from his fur, which can also cause allergic reactions. Use a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo that is suitable for frequent use. Consider a shampoo that is made of all natural ingredients, as chemicals that are present in commercial shampoos can intensify the production of dander.

Last but not least, you should make sure your cat’s diet is balanced. Your cat needs proteins, fats and fibers. It's also recommended to get some supplements of fatty acids or omega 3, which can help the quality of the skin and reduce the amount of shed dander.

Non-allergenic cats would be the perfect solution for people with cat allergies who still want to own a cat. However, the so-called non-allergenic cats that have been created so far still cause allergies.

