cat with the emphysema/breathing problems

I just wrote you about my cat with the emphysema/breathing problems-If nothing can be done-how long might he live?

  • Vetinfo

    By: Erika Raines El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    How long he lives with the emphysema and collapsed trachea depends entirely on how badly off he is right now. If he is having difficulty breathing and treatment with steroids and drugs to relax the muscles in the airways does not help him to breath easier, he may not live for very long. Keep in mind that when an animal cannot breath appropriately they can become very panicked. From reading your previous question, I can tell that you care a lot about your cat and would not want him to live his last weeks in a state of distress and panic. Since you have not described his condition, I can not say that he is currently experiencing such a state, but you should have a frank consultation with your veterinarian about this. Make sure you emphasize that you would like to know if there are any options to even make your cat comfortable for a little while to allow you to have some more time, but be open if your veterinarian understands your wishes and still sensitively asserts that euthanasia may be the best option right now. This is a very difficult decision that only you can make. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into a decision you will regret either way. Erika, DVM

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