heartworm treatment and preventative

I adpoted a 3yr old shepherd mix that was treated for heartworm with immiticide-3 injections completed on 7/25/10. Also has been given heartguard every month since 5/10. My vet retested yesterday because the dogs records did no indicate which test he received. He retested negative for microfilaria and positive for adult heartworms. My vet told me that in is very dangerous the give him heartguard and has told we will not consider giving heartguard again until his test in 1/11 shows no heartworms. My question is, shouldn't he be on heartguard to prevent any future heartworm?

  • Vetinfo

    By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    I'm sure that your veterinarian is concerned that the remaining adult heartworms will produce microfilaria, and when given ivermectin (which Heartgard contains) those microfilaria will die and cause a possible allergic/shock reaction. We use ivermectin in practice to kill the microfilaria after treating the adults but we hospitalize dogs during this treatment so if any reaction occurs we can treat it immediately. At home you won't be able to. Given the fact that he's been taking it monthly during his treatment this seems an unlikely possibility. It can take time for the adult heartworms to die and they shouldn't be healthy enough to produce microfilaria at this point, in fact some veterinarians believe ivermectin sterilizes adult worms. It's not recommended to test for adults for 6 months after treatment because you may still get a positive while they are dying. Are you in an area where heartworm disease is a problem all year around? Then I think your dog should be on Heartgard to prevent another infection unless there is a history of sensitivity to ivermectin. I would retest him in 6 months and if he's still positive discuss possibly retreating him. If your veterinarian refuses to prescribe Heartgard then perhaps you should seek a second opinion.

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