how to cut dog nails?

I have a boxer female and i like to learn how to cut her nails she has them too big and scratches alot.

  • Vetinfo

    By: Erika Raines El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    First you should obtain a nail trimmer designed for dogs from your veterinarian or a local pet store. I prefer the plier-type trimmer for dogs, but the guillotine-type are also appropriate. If you wish you may purchase a pet nail file instead to file her nails. When you purchase the nail trimmer, you may also wish to purchase some styptic powder (QuickStop) to stop bleeding if you accidentally quick one of your dog's nails. Quicking occurs when you trim too close to the blood vessels that run into the base of the nail, this causes discomfort and bleeding. If your dog has clear or white nails, your job will be relatively simple; it can be a more complicated task with a dog who has dark nails. At first you should ask your dog to sit or lie still and touch her paws all over. You should give her treats at every step of this training process. Once she accepts the touching, you should trim one nail. Each time she becomes used to the process, you can add a nail or two until you are able to trim them all in one sitting. Trim only a small amount of nail off each time, and avoid the pink area if you are able to see it. If not, the inside of the cut nail area often undergoes a color and texture change shortly before you reach the quick, so trimming small sections at a time and being watchful can help you avoid trimming the quick

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