My dog is licking its urinary part many a times, is this normal

my dog is licking its urinary part many a times.He is 6mnts old.What can i do?

  • Vetinfo

    By: Erika Raines El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    Your dog is probably licking his penis as a form of sexual stimulation. This is a normal part of a young dog's life. It is not recommended that you discourage this normal masturbation behavior, but when it is not an appropriate time, you can reprimand your dog by sharply correcting him or squirting him with a water bottle. While this is the most likely reason, your dog may also have a urinary condition that is causing him to have penile irritation and leading to the excessive licking. You should have your dog examined by your veterinarian and likely have a urine analysis performed in order to ensure that there is no underlying health problem.

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