Why do male dogs hump each other?

I have three male dogs, one fixed and two not fixed. The fixed male gets yeast infections. While trying to cure him, the others want to mate with him. Can a yeast infection in one male dog cause others to want to mate with him? How can I stop this? It only seems to happen during the yeast infection flair ups. I know there is a smell of yeast involved, I have smelled it in his ears.

  • Vetinfo

    By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    For some reason the smell of yeast, and possibly an irritated raw ear with a hint of blood, triggers a hormonal response in your two un-neutered males. They associate this smell with a female in heat. Much of sexual behavior in dogs is instinctual so it may take only a trigger, the smell of his ears, to get them excited. Male dogs also mount each other as a sign of dominance. It's possible that your two male dogs know when your dog has an ear infection he's not feeling his best and that's the time they choose to put him in his place. Do they get along fine otherwise? The only way to stop this behavior is for you to separate them or for you to assume a very dominant role and give strong corrections when they start to mount him and positive reinforcements when they stop and leave him alone. Kara, DVM

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  • How can I stop my dog from biting his paws?

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  • Does my dog have a shaking disorder?

    My dog is a full-blooded Jack Russel and he's pure white with no spots. Just recently he started shaking really bad and I thought it was because of the thunderstorms that went through, but it's been a day since they've stopped and he hasn't stopped shaking no matter what I've tried to do. Is there something I can do to find out what's wrong or how I can fix it?

  • My dogs acting strange, showing sigsn of weird behavior

    i have a 13 week old blue nose pitbull shes been dewormed and has gotten 2 of her parvo vaccinations but lately shes been showing signs of weird behavior its almost like shes having an attack one ear always is bent back strangely and her tail curved and she seems to not recognize me and becomes all jumpy and skiddish and her breathing becomes fast paced and sometimes she shakes and whimpers she eats and drinks but does consume a lot of water pleas help me whats wrong with her ?

  • My dog cries in his sleep and chews on his feet

    i have a 9 month old mix breed dog and he was a rescue and he cries in his sleep and chews on his feet what could be the cause? what can i do for him? it took us a long time to get him to play. could these symptoms be a side effect of the abuse from his previous owners?

  • My dog is off balance and drooling and breathing funny

    he is walking on the perimeter of the house and very off balance his breathing is not normal and he starts to drool witch then starts bubbling up on his mouth. he has drank and ate today

  • Why is my dog lethargic and why does he have a loss of appetite?

    My name is Eddy and I have an Australian Shepherd, his name is Junior. He was diagnosed with Cushing's disease. Junior is about 14 years old and at the present time he has the hardest time just getting up and moving. His Cushing's disease is under control right now. I am still trying to understand why Junior can not move and why is he constantly in a state of anxiety and he has lost his appetite. Could any one help me?

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  • My Bulldog is showing aggression due to new pup

    we have a three year old american bulldog who is wonderful around everyone. he always love to play and never aggressive. just recently we got another bulldog pup,(female). we took them both to the dog park and this time our large older male went haywire. totally aggressive towards every other dog out there. never have we seen this in him. could this be due to the new pup that he has taken as his own or could it be something else. thanks

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    He is one.He seems to have been sleepy today,but ate good.All of a sudden he began shaking. And when he lifts his head it wabbles side to side.What is going on?Should I take him to vet ER?

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    We rescued a 17 wk old weimaraner. He hasnt had many accidents in the house but he pees in his kennel EVERY day. We literally have to wash his blanket once to twice a day. He was very jittery when we first got him and was kept outside. We werent sure if the kennel scares him and makes him feel isolated or if he may have a medical condition thats causing it. PLEASE HELP!! Thank you :)

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  • What is the best way to fly with my dog

    Dear Sir/Madam, I have been flying with my dog form berlin to the usa and now i have to fly back again. unfortunately on she was very anxious on the flight-she kept scratching the bag she was in so the she lost a few nails. She is my everything and I don't want to cause her any further stress on the flight-I am not a fan of sedating her for the trip-what do you think would be best to keep her calm for the flight? Thank you very much for your help

  • Crating a puppy, where should the crate be placed

    Good afternoon - when crating a puppy when we're out where should the crate be placed - any ideal location? Second, how long usually does the crying last :)

  • Why does my dog pee all over the house?

    I have a three year old Jack Russel who was neutered six month ago. The vet who performed the procedure told me after a couple of weeks he should stop spraying everything with urine. This hasn't stopped him and it is now six month later. Have you any advice that can help me stop him doing this as he is a much loved pet of my children. Unfortunately, they have serious complex medical conditions and we are afraid that he may have to go to a new home as this is very unhygienic for the children.

  • Why does my dog go around licking the floor or carpet

    My dog is 11 yr Jack Russell every so often she will go around licking the carpet. she will continue to do this till she makes herself sick what can I do about this?

  • My 5yr old french bulldog urinates and spots in the house

    my 5yr old french bulldog urinates and spots in the house even though she gets walked everyday is that something I should be worried about? I am very worried about her this has never happened with her before can you help me please? I would like to know what I can do to help her.

  • Bought a new puppy and so far he has not gone to the bathroom

    We bought our 12 week old puppy home for the first time yesterday and so far he has not urinated or had a bowel movement. he has eaten and drunk but is very nervous. He had a vet check and his first injections 2 days ago and was declared healthy. He is not yet house broken but will not go to the toilet either in the house or outside.

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    Can I run with my 5 month old labrador retriever on a bike trail for 2 miles? I have been running with my dog at a slow pace this past week on the bike trail for about 2 miles. I have heard that his bones are still growing and should not be doing this. He is five months old. At what point can I run with him?

  • My dog has nibbled himself raw

    My dog has been very itchy lately, but I haven't seen/felt any bumps. This morning I looked and it seems like he has really nibbled himself raw in a particular spot. What should I do? Itch/Skin Wound?

  • Worried about the unpredictable response with our dog

    I bought an English Springer Spaniel from a Rescue Center. The dog was believed to be 12 to 18 months old and under weight. We noticed it would roll on its back in a submissive response or roll on its back to encourage stroking of the stomach and once the hand touched the chest the dog would snarl and attempt to bite. It also has very red eyes and has no enthusiasm for playing with toys. It seems it may have come from a home in which it was abused. We are worried about its unpredictability

  • Why is my dog acting nervous?

    We have a three year old Cockapoo considered to be in excellent health. Yesterday the behavior of our very happy dog changed. His tail went between his legs (which has never happened) and he was shaking. When we went outside he would sniff the air and head back to the door to go back inside immediately. Inside or out he now has no interest in any play time. Today has been more of the same, even though we have tried not to make a big deal of it. What could be wrong with him?

  • Why is my 10 year old dog tail wagging more than usual?

    My dog only wags his tail when we say "walkies" or other words he understands. My dog seems to be wagging his tail at random times, even when we don't say anything, and it's a fast wag then he quickly sits back down again. He also does it while sitting down. It is not usual for my dog to be doing this, do you know why he might be doing acting this way?

  • Shephard Akita mixed dog has gone from healthy active to weak

    Our 14 year old Shephard/Akita mix has gone from healthy active to weak, drinking water in access, frequent urination, hearing loss and sleeping. She has trouble climbing 3 steps to get in and out of the house. Her latest blood test show ALKP=1745, LYM.46, EOS=.05, AMYL=402, all others in normal range. The vet recommends ultra sound or liver biopsy which we cannot afford to have done. Is there anything we can do to make her more comfortable? What to do when you can't afford the tests

  • My dog has kennel like cough and very lethargic

    my mini daschunds is throwing up, diarrhea, sneezing and sounds like kennel cough. She is boarder line lethargic s this urgent. She has urinated once today and that is all. She feels hot and definitely isn't herself. She is just laying around. Please help I don't know if maybe she ate a lizard in our yard or what. We live in south Georgia.

  • My dog suddenly changed his behavior, should we be worried?

    My 7 yr old male has suddenly stopped jumping on bed or chair. After some coaxing he will do it. He normally slept on bed or chair. He still chases hi Should we have him examined. Should we try to coax him or just leave it

  • Why is my dog licking the hair off his toes?

    My 6 year old chihuahua male rides across 48 states with us in a big rig. Lately, he has started licking his paws until patches of hair are missing. He acts fine except for the constant licking.

  • My dog is acting strange, hides under the bed

    my dog is not acting like himself and he just wants to be under my bed when he always sleeps on the bed and also doesn't have much of an appetite my dog is is acting strange he just wants to be under my bed and doesn't really want to eat please help

  • My dog licks the air, very clingy, and catches flies, why?

    I have a 2 year old dog that licks the air, he has been very clingy, and he catches flies, why? My papillon licks the air constantly like a snake. He tends to be very clingy to only one person and becomes protective. He has a tendency to go after flies. I always see him trying to catch flies.

  • Why is my dog shaking?

    He is shaking a whimpering, but still wags his tail. His nose is relatively dry.

  • Are there any dissorders that act similar to a seizure for a dog

    My lab is shaking, still walking around, but eyes and body twitching and drooling, is he having a seizure? I had a different lab years ago that did have seizures and from what I remember he layed down every time. Thank you! Cindy Berglund

  • What is the best way to introduce an aggressive dog to a young calm kitten?

    i have a 3 year old border collie fox terrier. i just adopted a kitten. my dog is very aggressive and has had bad reactions to cats before. she tends to want to eat the cat. the kitten is very mellow and friendly, and has no problem around dogs. what is the best way to keep the dog from injuring my kitten without either getting hurt.

  • What to do with a Hyper dog in heat

    My dog has been acting incredibly hyper lately. She has been in heat for the past week and a half however, her behavior is much more erratic. Taking her for longer walks and extra play isn't helping. Is there anything specific I can do?

  • Why does my dog whine all the time?

    I got my dog almost a yr ago in October and he cries and whines all the time and I don't know if he's doing it for attention or because he might be sick with something.he doesn't act sick at all he just cries for no reason.my boyfriend says its because I spoil him but could there secretly be something internally wrong with him.I don't know what to do please help

  • Why is my dog lethargic?

    We just noticed our dog is twitching from the neck and is slowly bending when he eats. His sluggish. What's wrong with him?

  • Why is my dog tired all of the time?

    My 7 month old female puppy is acting weird. She acts tired all the time. She doesn't want to play and lays down on her side whenever she gets the chance. She won't play with my other puppy; is this a sign that shes going into heat? Or is it a bigger problem? She did eat some crayons earlier but then she pooped them out and barfed them up. She always used to follow me around the house and she still does but then just lays down as soon as I stop. I try and play with her and she has no interest. Should I be concerned? Thank you for your help.

  • My dog licks me all the time. How can I stop her?

    I recently purchased a rescue dog and she is amazing in almost every way except that she never stops licking me. This is very annoying when done ALL of the time. She is supposed to be Chow and Retriever mix. Thank you!

  • My dog limps and is sluggish. What do I do?

    Hi I have a 3 year old pit bull, and she has been very sluggish, sleepy and limping all day yesterday and is the same this morning. Should I wait another day to see if this passes? She won't eat her food but she will eat dog treat I give her.

  • Preventing my dog from digesting their hair

    I really try to take good care of my dog,and look for help online a lot,because I can't afford a vet all the time.I think she could have excema,but I am really concerned about all the hair I found in her stool.I could barely separate it with a stick there was so much hair.She has long hair and last week she had chewed a sore place at the top of her tail,so I cut the hair halfway down toward the tip and all around her buttocks short so I could keep an eye on what was going on.Need some home ideas.

  • My dog is acting strangely. What's wrong with my dog?

    My dog is a 2 year old Australian Shephard/American Bulldog/Pitbull mix. Today she has been extremely tired, she is moving very slowly and shakes when she moves, and is shivering from time to time. I haven't seen her eat or drink anything but a small treat in the last 24 hrs. I can tell she is not herself; she is usually a very happy go lucky dog but she is just not doing anything. She barely wants to go outside to go potty. I know she is sick but not sure how or why.

  • Cat aggression question: Male cat killing kittens?

    We have quite a few outside cats. Four litters have been killed overnight, assumably by a rogue tom who also appears to be fathering the kittens. (He is an all white tailless.) We have found them either headless or with puncture wounds near the nest. We have two litters about a week old only a couple days apart in cat kennels now outside the backdoor. We lock them in to prevent the male from getting to them. What age can we stop worrying about the males killing the kittens?

  • unfixed male acts like spayed female is in heat. Why?

    My spayed female pitbull/white boxer mix has a sore or scrap close to her anus. I also have a her brother who is not neutered. For the past three days the male has been following her around like she is in heat. I am trying to keep the area clean so that it can heal but he is constantly licking it. I'm not sure what to do because he is not eating and not drinking very much water. I am not able to take her to a vet right now so I am hoping I can at least get an opinion.

  • Dog yelps for no reason

    My dog yelps sometimes when he gets up or laids down. He has been sneezing. He has a reverse sneezing episode this weekend. I check his ears for infection but didn't see wax or smell any bad odor. He has no limp or any other signs of abnormality on his body.

  • Housetrained dog pooping and peeing in house

    my house broken poodle just started to poop and pee in the house. even after he has just been outside, he is 8 years old. what could be causing this to happen?

  • Why does my puppy grunt when he's picked up?

    I just recently got a 7 week old wolfdog pup, he's already had a vet check and we were told he has no health problems. He doesn't bark or whine only makes a weird grunting noise when he's picked up. Could this be a sign of something serious?

  • Suddenly showing signs of aggressive dog behavior

    5 year old beagle mix has started showing aggressive behavior to other animals including ones she grown up with, also a recent weight loss.

  • My dogs whining. Why?

    My 12 yr old yellow lab is moaning and whining. He's not eating as well as he usually does. He is still drinking plenty of water but he lays around and whines. What could be ailing him?

  • What is it when diabetic dogs pee without knowing it?

    My Labrador is diabetic but she is peeing without knowing does she have an infection? What can it be?

  • Dog sleeps with feces?

    I have a 5 month puppy (Jack Russell mix) and he likes to get a mouth full of feces and put it in his bed and lay down on it. I thought that if i did a better job of keeping his area cleaned that this would stop. He has only found ways to do this at night. So my husband and I have been putting him in our room at night, that seems to help. Any suggestions?

  • What can I expect from my dogs pregnancy?

    She's 1 month pregnant, is it normal for her to cry, and pace back and forth? What is expected from pregnant dogs? She's a toy poodle. I'm a little concerned. Thank you.

  • How long should dog dehydration last?

    I believe my dog has heat stroke/is dehydrated. He will drink water and I have limited it to him in smaller amounts because at first he would drink a lot and then throw up. How long will it take for him to get back to normal?

  • What is a good dog anxiety treatment?

    My mother has a dog who according to our vet has anxiety/separation issues. During these episodes he experiences heightened anxiety levels, he paces and most worryingly his tongue protrudes vigorously causing him to choke. Our vet prescribed acepromazine for these episodes but it does not seem to help, do you have any better suggestions? Thanks, John

  • Dog behavior: puppy won't eat because of older dog?

    My puppy is 7 weeks old and we have another dog who is 7 years old. She doesn't like the new puppy and the puppy looks like hes scared to eat cause of our other dog. Is that possible?

  • Dog's aggression escalating?

    I have an 18-month old male great dane, spayed. As a puppy, he jumped on kids and mouthed me, generally in a playful manner. He has passed that stage. He lies down when he sees other dogs and then jumps up to play. Never growls around food, bones, toys, etc. Recently, he began growling at dogs in our neighborhood. The behavior is escalating & he now totally loses it with most dogs in our community. He is still fine outside the area, but subtle signs are beginning. What's happening? Help.

  • My dog's head shakes, tremors after accident. Why?

    We recently took our dog camping with us and she ended up falling down a hill and then ended up skidding to a stop on her head, had few cuts but other than that she seemed fine. We got home about 3 days later, bathed her & cleaned her ears. The next morning she started having these head tremors when lying down. I have been trying to look some information, some say its head trauma others say its ear problems. I'm just wondering what it could be & what I should do for her? She is a 1yr old boxer.

  • Veterinarian schooling needs?

    Just need to know the basics... costs (how to deal with them), what to do as a high schooler (job, Experience, etc.) to get into vet college.

  • My dog's behavior has changed recently

    She occasionally shakes, not eating normally, stands in one place and looks around for long periods of time and does not play with her toys which she always does. Any idea on what could possibly be wrong?

  • Dog sleeps constantly and hasn't eatin in 3 days. What's wrong?

    He shakes and sleeps all day.

  • Limp dog problem for 30 minutes. Causes?

    Miniature Pincher. This morning my dog vomited, and then lied outside (which is something he does not do). When I found him he was limp and losing his bowels as I carried him. He was very weak for 1 1/2 hours. He seems to be better now. Following me around the house. Can you possibly know what might have happened to him?

  • Dog behavior change in my lhaso apso?

    I have a lhaso apso a little over a year old and has been giving me problems lately. As a puppy she never gave me problems when potty training her and recently she has been peeing and pooping in my guest bedroom and my bedroom. She understands that she is not allowed to go into either room and still sneaks off as soon as I don't have my eye on her. Her sister, whom I also have, has been whimpering a lot and constantly wants to be with me. What can be causing these sudden changes?

  • Dog behavior change after new dog joins household

    My pit bull has been acting a little different for the last couple of days. He is still a puppy and there has recently been a younger pup added into the mix. My pit hasn't been acting like his usual self the last three or four days. He has been using the bathroom more at night in the bedroom than during the morning. He is house-trained and usually waits until we are awake to take him out. He isn't eating or drinking water either. And moping around. What could be wrong with him?

  • Bad dog dreams leading to aggression

    She is a wonderful dog, gets along well with other dogs and is inseparable to my yellow lab. However, when she goes into what I call a deep sleep at night she will dream and she whimpers and cries and will wake up and immediate attack my other lab. They have had 4 fights, most recent was just last week for which I received 12 stitches and a broken finger on one hand and 4 stitches in the other hand trying to separate them. I have tried the water trick... does not work~HELP

  • Unusual dog behavior: gathering toys and laying in closet?

    We have a 2 year old Fila.She stays in the house a lot but also enjoys being outside.The past few days she has started gathering her toys and trying to lay in our closet.This is very strange for her. We took her to her vet Monday and he said she had a virus. He gave her shots and medicine to give her at home. He said she would be better in 24 hrs. She isn't.Don't know what else to do.

  • Dog biting due to separation anxiety

    We have a eight year old Papillon that has started biting us when we leave him alone. We started taking him everywhere we went in a bag and still do even to this day. But there are times that he cannot go with us and so now he has become aggressive to even biting us when we leave and having separation anxiety.I know we created this behavior and now need to know what actions are needed to help him. Marlene

  • Why does my dog eat my other dogs' poo?

    I have 2 chihuahuas and a poodle. The male chihuahua will eat the other 2 dogs' poo if I don't pick it up immediately. Poodle is 4 . Chi's are 8 and litter mates.

  • Dog behavior: How to make a dog less timid?

    Is it possible to make my dog less timid? He is really submissive and always wants too much attention. He will come up from behind and put his nose on people's hand and then when they try to pet him he shys down. He won't even play fetch or tug-o-war.

  • My doberman dogs legs have trouble standing up. What's wrong?

    The dog walks and runs ok. Just trouble getting up from lying down.

  • What causes dog aggression problems?

    I have four dogs one shitzu and two of his pups they are mixed with dachshund and two years old. I also have a six week old lab. Three boys one girl. All fixed but the new pup. The girl is becoming very aggressive she is biting me and fighting she has been doing this since her mom passed two days before Christmas. I don't want to have to find another home but she has bit my face and three or four times on my leg if I cant get her under control my husband said i will have to get rid of her.

  • How can I stop my dog chewing on her leg?

    I have a 5month old blue nose pit. Lately I have been noticing her constantly gnawing away at her legs. Also it seems that there are spots of hair missing from her arms and legs. Almost seems as if shes going bald just in those areas. I'm just a little concerned hoping she hasn't caught some form of a skin infection. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

  • Dog feet licking. Is it dog OCD?

    5 weeks ago our dog was hit by a car. He lost three teeth, no broken bones. He is almost fully recovered,except he now licks his feet front and back until they are wet and whatever he is sitting on is to. He never did this before. Does it have something to do with being hit in the head so hard?

  • What are common dog pregnant signs?

    About three weeks ago i noticed my dog was producing milk she continues to suck on her nipples and lick herself she really is not that big but she sleeps and lies around all the time. and her nipples hang more then they did before how can i tell if she is pregnant she was in heat about 6 weeks ago i never saw her with another dog but my neighbor has a dog that let loose do they have to get stuck together to get pregnant and her stomach is a little darker around the nipple area.

  • My old dog hyperactive in evenings. How to treat?

    a 17 yr old dog gets restless in the early evening, wandering around and whining. Taking her walks , feeding, etc. doesn't make a difference. She is currently on cantharis for an ongoing bladder problem which is working well.

  • My dog is up all night. How do I deal with this?

    My 1yr old pom gets me up al night long. I have figured to play. I don't want to crate him because he is crated all day when i am at work . Any suggestions i even bought over the counter anxiety meds. I give him bones, but he still chews on clothing and shoes, and the cats help.

  • Dog behavior: snapping

    I have a 5 year old female cockapoo that was a rescue. Lately she has been snapping for no reason. Example: my cousin and her family came to visit and her 16 month old son was crawling around. I don't know if she thought he was going to attack her and she snapped at him. Another example is i went to scratch the side of her ear and she snapped at my hand. She later came up and loved on me. It would brake my heart if I had to get rid of her, I just don't know what to do. M.L.

  • How can I stop my dog being mounted by other dogs?

    I have a 19 month old male black lab who I have had for 3 months. He is a rescue dog and is quite small in size. He was neutered by the RSPCA. When I walk him over to the park, other dogs seem to love to mount him and he finds it quite distressing. Is there anything I can do to make Charlie not a target by the other dogs?

  • My dog shakes when there are other dogs in the house. Why?

    He shakes and tries to climb on your lap, but when he is out for a walk and see's another dog he wants to fight it.

  • Dog lethargy? He doesn't want to eat and is just laying around.

    My dog doesnt want to eat and is just kinda laying around. What do I do?

  • How can I treat my hyperactive dog?

    My beagle is so active and won't settle down, my two grandsons dont play with her cause she wants to attack and jump all over anyone that trys to pet and talk to her. What kind of over the counter medicine can I give her?

  • Why are my dogs attacking my cats?

    About a month ago the dogs attacked one of the cats again. They do this when we're not home so i have no idea what caused it or who started it. We've been in this apartment for 2 years the one dog has lived with the cats for 3 years and the other dog for 2 years. We even had a litter, nothing happened then either

  • Why does my dog drool so much after exercise?

    I have a yellow lab who is almost 5 years old. For the past 6 months after he does strenuous exercise he has excessive salivation. I took him to the vet and he had his teeth cleaned and they scoped him. They found tonsillitis. He has finished his round of antibotics and is still on temoral P. Today he was out running for a couple of hours and is drooling excessively. He is not overweight and is in pretty good shape. Any suggestions?

  • Adult dog not potty trained. Our dog is pooping and peeing in house. Why?

    We have had our 2-year-old (non neutered) rottweiler for over a year. We have a 6 month old baby and have just moved into a new house. The dog keeps urinating all over the house and deficating in the baby's room. He shows nothing but affection for the baby, but no matter what we do, we can't stop him from peeing and pooping in the house.

  • Dog howling at night?

    My 8 year old Scottie has started howling at irregular times during the night. He is a gentleman of long established excellent behaviour, and I cannot think of an explanation or cure for this behaviour. Nothing has changed in his environment.

  • Discouraging puppy humping after neutering

    Even though my puppy has been neutered, he still humps. Is there a way to discourage this?

  • My dog shakes when she sees a certain person?

    My dog trembles and hides when seeing a certain person. She knows this person and has never trembled until now?

  • Dog and puppy typical relationship behavior?

    Our Boxer has had a litter of 6 pups. They are now 8 weeks old and we are keeping one of them (a boy). The rest have now gone to their new homes so have been letting our boy into the rest of the house with his mum. However, mum seems to always want to fight with the pup (I think it's play fighting) but it can sometimes get a bit rough, she never leaves him alone and she always seems to want to stand over him. Is this normal?? How long will it be before they settle down - can we do anything?

  • Escalating dog anxiety

    My 4 1/2 yr. old Lab seems to be having escalating anxiety problems. We are a retired couple who are home with the dog constantly. We take him to the dog park daily to interact with other dogs. He is somewhat timid, but he likes to chase, but not be chased. We got him from a breeder at 12 wks. & he has never had a trauma that I am aware of. He is afraid of vacumn cleaners, lawnmowers, etc. He pants & shakes & recently has started these reactions if we try to do any chores at all. Help!

  • Medication for dog anxiety?

    Our 8 year old Yellow Labrador is terrified of thunderstorms - she shakes and cannot relax. What would you recommend to help her through storms (and the 4th of July)?

  • Dog separation anxiety after moving

    We have a four pound, one year old male maltese. We crate him any time we need to leave the house. He had no problem with this for a while, but when we moved to a new city he started showing signs of separation anxiety - high pitched barking nonstop, chewing on the wire crate, sweating, etc. He knows to use the pee pad when inside, but I am worried he will be destructive, eat things he shouldn't, etc if we leave him out. If we do leave him out, do you have any tips? Any info would be helpful!

  • Dog hates loud noises after hearing fireworks?

    Our dog was 1 when he was scared to death by fireworks. He is 5 now.New years we sedate him. But every loud noise outside, he runs under the bed and shakes.Very high strung now.He is a terrier mix/15 pounds, and underweight because he is so hyper. He wasn't like this as a puppy. We have tried everything. I love this dog. His name is Peanut. Thank you...Debbi

  • What to do about two female dogs in heat and fighting?

    I have two sister dogs who are both in heat. They are fighting visiously with each other. Is there anything I can do to make it stop?

  • Dog behavior - car aggression

    We can no longer keep our 15 month old german shepherd/belgium mix in the fenced in yard because of his behavior toward cars and trucks. He runs up and down the fence, barking madly, jumping at the fence and snapping his teeth. The neighbors have filed complaints and say they are terrified of him. This happens even when we are in the yard with him. It is a little better, he no longer barks at vehicles unless they go down the road beside our property. Walks are almost impossible. Help!

  • See all questions in Behavior

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Please do use our site to become better informed about the medical problems your pet may have. We will do our best to ensure that information presented is accurate and up-to-date. The most current information will be at the top of each page. Remember that veterinarians often disagree about the best treatments for pets. There are often several perfectly acceptable ways to treat the same condition. Just ask a lot of questions!

For all emergency situations, please contact your local Emergency Pet Clinic or on-call Veterinarian. Answers are not provided in real time. We can not guarantee an answer to every question, nor can we provide timely responses to urgent questions in many instances.