My dog has unusual seizures... please advise!

Hi! I have a 4mo chihuahua who is 3lbs. Two days ago she had a seizure. She was very weak, if she would sit up she would either fall to the side or her front paws would give out and she would fall forward, when she laid down her front paws would curve inward, and he entire body sort of wobbled. This lasted for about 3-4 HOURS. I brought her to the vet immediately the next morning. Her xrays and bloodwork came back negative and I was told to watch her over the next few days to see if another seiz

  • Vetinfo

    By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA

    Replied on 04/19/2011

    The symptoms you are describing are definitely not typical seizure activity. In a young small breed dog with the symptoms you are describing I would think of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. In small breeds they often cannot eat enough to maintain themselves between meals, especially if they are playing hard. If their blood sugar gets low enough they get light headed and wobbly which would explain the symptoms you saw. If they rest for a bit and get something to eat they feel better. By the next morning she probably had had a couple meals and thus her blood sugar on her bloodwork was normal.

    I would recommend feeding her multiple small meals a day, at least 3 or 4. If she has symptoms like this again rub corn syrup on her gums to give her energy and see if that helps. I would also recommend that she have a stool sample checked and, even if she tests negative, be given a good general worm medication like Panacur, even if she has been wormed previously because parasites can cause low blood sugar.

    Abnormal neurologic behavior can also be due to viral infections (like distemper) or organ disease caused by a congenital (born with an abnormality) problem like a porto-systemic shunt (abnormal liver vessels that cause abnormal function). Since her bloodwork was normal that's less likely but if her problem continues it may be something you want to discuss with your veterinarian.

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